"Predictive and Decision Analytics for Proactive Business Processes in " by Kar Way TAN, Swapna GOTTIPATI et al.

Predictive and Decision Analytics for Proactive Business Processes in Emergency Room and Outpatient Clinic Services

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Overcrowding has been an issue in many outpatient clinics and emergency rooms of healthcare organizations. However, they are important departments that are required to efficiently serve the masses of patients from the general public.This workshop is created to understand the importance of evaluating the business processes in these departments and how data analytics can help to create insights and provides the opportunity for process and scheduling improvement, hence maximizing efficiency. A process view is important as it allows healthcare organization to stay focus on business needs and drive analytics initiatives. It also helps to leverage on economies of scales in applying techniques to multiple processes of similar nature. The workshop will also cover more advanced topics such as predictive and decision analytics, coupled with IT considerations to create decision-support strategies that enable proactive business processes. Proactive processes combine analytic tools with business process management technology in order to achieve continuous process improvements. Being proactive helps the healthcare organization prepare for likely scenarios. In the final part of the workshop, a case-study in the context of fulfilling service targets of a hospital’s emergency room will be used to show how use of data analytics, prediction analytics and decision analytics can empower decision-making and bring improvements to the ED process. The workshop will be conducted in seminar-styled, small-group coaching and small-group presentations. It is designed to be highly interactive to facilitate discussions and idea generations.


Healthcare, analytics


Databases and Information Systems | Medicine and Health Sciences | Operations Research, Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering


International Conference on Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare 2nd CFP 2014, July 22-24

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This is a workshop.

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