WenZher: Comprehensive Vertical Search for Healthcare Domain

Liqiang NIE, National University of Singapore
Tao LI, Zhejiang University
Mohammad Akbari, National University of Singapore
Jialie SHEN, Singapore Management University
Tat-Seng CHUA, National University of Singapore


Online health seeking has transformed the way of health knowledge exchange and reusability. The existing general and vertical health search engines, however, just routinely return lists of matched documents or question answer (QA) pairs, which may overwhelm the seekers or not sufficiently meet the seekers' expectations. Instead, our multilingual system is able to return one multi-faceted answer that is well-structured and precisely extracted from multiple heterogeneous healthcare sources. Further, should the seekers not be satisfied with the returned search results, our system can automatically route the unsolved questions to the professionals with relevant expertise.