"Bandwidth Trading in the Real World: Findings and Implications for Com" by Giorgos CHELIOTIS

Bandwidth Trading in the Real World: Findings and Implications for Commodities Brokerage

Publication Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



In a trading model for bandwidth commodities is introduced and the computational complexity of brokerage in a spot market is analyzed. In this model the bandwidth brokerage problem is defined as the packaging of multiple contracts traded in local bandwidth marketplaces to produce new composite contracts. It is argued in the same paper that brokerage of bandwidth commodities is a different approach to the inter-domain QoS routing problem. Based on the insights of the previous work and an analysis of a limited set of recent real-world bandwidth trading data, we proceed to a discussion of the effects of choosing one or the other set of data for the computation of composite contracts. Some general observations are made about the state of the bandwidth commodity market today. It is shown with examples that the choice of input data for brokerage decision support tools is affecting the management of various identified risk factors. the degree to which the broker is exposed to risk when acting as a reseller depends in turn on the choice of paths in a "contract graph" representing the state of the bandwidth market.


Bandwidth Trading, Commodity Market, Geographical Arbitrage, Brokerage


Computer Sciences | Finance and Financial Management

Research Areas

Information Systems and Management


Economics and the Internet: Proceedings of the 3rd Berlin Internet Economics Workshop


Wichmann, Thorsten




Berlecon Research

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