Mindfulness training to enhance leaders’ interpersonal relationships: A randomized field study

Publication Type

Conference Proceeding Article

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Social interactions represent a critical cornerstone of employees' experiences in the workplace (Ragins & Dutton, 2007; Rosales, 2016; Stephens, Heaphy, & Dutton, 2012). From project-based teams to hierarchical supervisor-subordinate dyads to more casual coworker friendships, together such social interactions characterize the foundation of employees' workplace experiences. In particular, social interactions as a whole represent a critical determinant of employees' emotions in the workplace, which are now increasingly being focused on despite many years of neglect from both theoretical and practical standpoints (Lord, Klimoski, & Kanfer, 2002). This symposium attempts to address these considerations, bringing together scholars doing complementary and innovative research at the juncture of workplace social interactions and employee emotions. Presentations span multiple levels of analysis, from peer-to-peer relations (e.g., co-worker friendships, co- expatriates) to leaders' interpersonal interactions, and represent the varied but complementary types of social interactions possible in the workplace, all of which inform employees' overall experience of the social work environment. Included papers focus on both social support and more intimate friendship relationships, and discuss how these varied social interactions invariably impact employees' affective responses and emotional lives, which they bring to the workplace with them every day. As such, this symposium aligns well with this year's Academy theme, “at the interface&x201D;, as it is only through this deeper examination of the interface between workplace social experiences and employee emotional responses that we can achieve a better and more comprehensive understanding of employees' holistic experience at work."


Human Resources Management | Organizational Behavior and Theory

Research Areas

Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources


Academy of Management Proceedings: 2017, August 4-8, Atlanta




Academy of Management

City or Country

Briarcliff, NY

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