Toward a theoretical framework for studying climate change policies: Insights from the case study of Singapore

Ai Sian NG
A. PANG, Singapore Management University


The world decided in December 2015 to take actions to reduce global warming. Tocontribute toward this goal, this research examines possible policy levers for inclusion in the climatechange ratification plan. A case study of the measures taken by the Republic of Singapore, a low-lying719.2 km2island without natural resources in Asia, is conducted. Being vulnerable to climate changeimpact and yet having to balance her people’s needs and economic progress with limited resources,the measures taken by this small country could offer policy insights for small states and states withoutaccess to alternative energy sources. This research analyzes the online policy documents posted byeleven organizations to answer the main research question of identifying policy levers as theoreticalconstructs to form a framework that can be used to study climate change policies. A qualitativedata analysis software, QSR NVivo 10, is used to classify the proposed nodes developed by theresearchers using a system perspective integrating the insights from the key international climatechange frameworks with the theoretical concepts from the model of pro-environmental behavior. Thefindings can offer insights toward developing a new contextual influence framework, which can helpstrengthen policy development and outcome measurement.