Beyond globalizing POEs and SOEs: Multilevel framing of illegitimacy attributes

Publication Type

Conference Proceeding Article

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This paper addresses an important but under-theorized topic by developing a socio-cognitive model to explain illegitimacy concerns associated with politically-connected firms when undertaking overseas strategic options, and to identify firm actions to mitigate such concerns. We go beyond the existing literature’s focus on SOEs by including privately-owned firms into our theorization. Specifically, we offer propositions to explain how multiple-level framing by host country interest groups in terms of state-centeredness, industry sensitivity, and a firm’s ties with its home country government trigger illegitimacy concerns in host nations. In addition, we adopt a holistic approach by theorizing contextual factors across levels (national and state-firm) that moderate the effects of relationship state- centeredness, industry sensitivity, and political ties on such illegitimacy concerns. Our model ends with an identification of counter-framing actions in terms of quantity, and priority to address illegitimacy concerns as well as the associated challenges. Our paper contributes broadly by exposing a systematic form of disadvantages stemming from the structural situation a firm is embedded in, and specifically by identifying key drivers that explain this theoretical mechanism.


International Business | Strategic Management Policy

Research Areas

Strategy and Organisation


Academy of Management Proceedings: 77th AOM 2017, August 4-8, Atlanta




Academy of Management

City or Country

Briarcliff Manor, NY

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