Within & without: Singapore in the world, the world in Singapore

Eng Fong PANG, Singapore Management University
Arnoud DE MEYER, Singapore Management University


Duplicate record, see https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/lkcsb_research/5605/. 2015 was an important year for Singapore Management University (SMU). It was SMU’s 15th anniversary, and, more importantly, Singapore’s 50th anniversary as an independent nation. The editors felt it was a great occasion to offer a course in 2015 that brings Singaporean and exchange students together to examine how Singapore sees itself in the region and the world, and how the world contributes to its exceptional development progress.This volume comprises essays that explore different dimensions of identity – national, social, cultural and linguistic. It also analyses issues ranging from freedom of speech, education, meritocracy, drug laws, home ownership, casinos to martial arts. Anyone who wonders what the young think of these and other issues may find their point of view surprising, even unusual and unconventional.