"Consequences of Direct Experience for Judgment and Decision Making" by Seshan RAMASWAMI and Huey Woon LEE

Consequences of Direct Experience for Judgment and Decision Making

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We use the term “direct experience” to describe any event in which a combination of the five senses is directly involved in the processing of the experience. In this review paper, we integrate various streams of previous research related to the effects of direct experience. We present a typology of direct experiences and formulate a theory linking experience to a variety of cognitive, affective and behavioral consequences, both short term and long term. We conclude with a discussion of the benefits and pitfalls of emphasizing direct experience in consumer and managerial decision making.


Decision making, experience, review


Organizational Behavior and Theory

Research Areas

Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources


Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, November 16 -19, 2012, Minneapolis, MI

City or Country

Minneapolis, MI, USA

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