Learning from Successive Creative Innovations? The Case of Solo and Collaborative Facebook Application Development

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Performance improvements based on repetition have been one of the most consistent findings of the organizational learning school. Meanwhile, the general applicability of this core finding has increased ever so broadly, from medical surgery to accident prevention. This study examines the extent of these repetition-based performance improvements in a setting of creative innovations – where individuals have to conceptualize and decide on the purpose of their projects in addition to implementing them. By definition, no two creative innovations – from paintings to musicals – are exactly alike, and the equivalence of repetition-based performance improvements is therefore successive undertaking of creative innovations (of the same genre).


Voluntary collaborations, teams, learning, creativity, performance


Communication Technology and New Media | Organizational Behavior and Theory | Technology and Innovation

Research Areas

Strategy and Organisation


Organization Science Winter Conference

City or Country

Steamboat Springs, CO, USA

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