"Comparative Research on Biotechnology and the Public: Report to the US" by Mark CHONG

Comparative Research on Biotechnology and the Public: Report to the US-EC Task Force on Biotechnology Research

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Innovations developed through biotechnology have been both lauded and disdained by scientists, regulators, reporters, and other various individuals and groups within society. These debates have affected the rates at which new applications are being developed and presented to the public, giving both opponents and proponents reason for continuing to engage in forwarding their claims. This workshop focused on the social implications of biotechnology, with an emphasis on public opinion. Participants included academic researchers and representatives from regulatory agencies and foundations from North America and Europe. The gathering delivered a number of recommendations for future research into policy decisions, media discourse, and public opinion as these relate to the social landscape of biotechnology.


Biotechnology | Business and Corporate Communications

Research Areas

Corporate Communication


Toby Ten EYCK and George GASKELL


National Science Foundation

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Summary of discussions during the US-EC Workshop on Comparative Research on Biotechnology and The Public, 10-11 April 2003, Baltimore

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