"Enclaves for Enterprise: An Empirical Study of Singapore's Industrial " by Caroline YEOH, Wilfred Pow Ngee HOW et al.

Publication Type

Conference Paper



Publication Date



The dynamics of globalization have prompted governments to re-examine accustomed policies, and search for alternative strategies, in order to re-position their economies for the future. This paper explores the spatial context of state involvement in the new economics of competition, with the focus on Singapore’s much publicized, and controversial, orchestration of its state enterprise network to encapsulate economic space for Singapore-based firms to expand into the Asian region. This strategic initiative is promulgated on the exportability of Singapore’s ‘state credibility’, systemic and operational efficiencies, and technological competencies, to locations where these attributes are less certain. A logit model is applied to questionnaire surveys culled from Singapore’s industrial-township projects in Indonesia, Vietnam and China and the findings are presented. We conclude that the strategic advantage created for the firms within these privileged investment enclaves, though remarkable, is oft at risk from the administrative complexities, and socio-political milieu, of the host environments.


Industrial parks, investment enclaves, Singapore


Asian Studies | International Business

Research Areas

Strategy and Organisation


Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business: Local Roots, Global Links: Quebec City, Canada, 9-12 July 2005

City or Country

Quebec City, Canada
