"Singapore's Foray into Bangalore, India: An Empirical Review" by Amrit Vaidyanath, Caroline YEOH et al.

Publication Type

Conference Paper



Publication Date



Singapore’s regionalization stratagem led to the establishment of industrial parks in China, India and several South-East Asian countries. The strategic intent behind these overseas projects was two-fold: exporting Singapore’s competencies such as management know-how, technological capabilities and corrupt-free administration to regions where such positive factors were lacking and secondly, exploiting comparative advantages that each region had to offer. This paper investigates Singapore’s foray into India, through the technology park in Bangalore. It evaluates the location specific benefits of the site, primarily in terms of abundant and low-cost labor resources. Accompanied by empirical findings, this study finds that, while location-specific merits abound, much of these have not translated into direct benefits for Singapore, largely due to socio-political problems that continue to plague the host environment.


Asian Studies | International Business

Research Areas

Strategy and Organisation


International Management Development Association 13th Annual World Business Congress: Global Business: Coping with Uncertainty: Maastricht, 14-18 July 2004

City or Country

Maastricht, Netherlands
