The collection contains the publications by the researchers associated with the Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC). Established since 2011, LARC aims to innovate new technologies and software platforms that are relevant to Singapore’s Smart Nation efforts. LARC research areas include urban sensing with interactions with urban services, social sensing with gathering of data from social media, personal apps and devices, socio-physical analytics, and social activation.


Submissions from 2012


Achieving Both Valid and Secure Logistic Regression Analysis on Aggregated Data from Different Private Sources, Yuval Nardi, Stephen FIENBERG, and Robert J. HALL


Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in High Dimensional Regression and Classification Settings, Stephen E. FIENBERG and Jiashun JIN


Tweets and votes: A study of the 2011 Singapore General Election, Marko M. SKORIC, Nathaniel D. POOR, Palakorn ACHANANUPARP, Ee Peng LIM, and Jing JIANG Conference Proceeding Article

Submissions from 2011


Information Technology for Service Innovation: The Impact on Business Productivity and Channel Disruption from Cloud Computing and Smart Device Computing, Insoo SON Conference Paper


Mobile Phone Graph Evolution: Findings, Model and Interpretation, Siyuan Liu, Lei Li, Christos Faloutsos, and Lionel M. Ni


A Visual Analytics System for Metropolitan Transportation, Siyuan Liu, Ce Liu, Qiong Luo, Lionel M. Ni, and Huamin Qu


A survey of information diffusion models and relevant problems, Minh Duc LUU, Tuan Anh HOANG, and Ee-Peng LIM Conference Paper


Context-Aware Nearest Neighbor Query on Social Networks, Yazhe WANG and Baihua ZHENG Conference Proceeding Article


On Modeling Virality of Twitter Content, Tuan Anh HOANG, Ee Peng LIM, Palakorn ACHANANUPARP, Jing JIANG, and Feida ZHU Conference Proceeding Article


Virality Modeling and Analysis, Tuan Anh HOANG and Ee-Peng LIM Conference Paper