The collection contains journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, and more written by the faculty at the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) of Singapore Management University. The school research areas include Asian and comparative legal systems, Public international law, regional and trade law, Private law, Innovation, technology and the law, Dispute resolution, Legal theory, ethics and legal education, Public interest law, community and social justice, and Public law.


Submissions from 2013


Discovering the Right to Criminal Disclosure: Lessons from Civil Procedure, Denise Huiwen WONG Journal Article


Go beyond ‘nudges’ in tackling discrimination, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Sleepwalking to disharmony, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The Future of the Similar Fact Rule in an Indian Evidence Act Jurisdiction: Singapore, Siyuan CHEN Journal Article

The Promise of Universality: The Spandeck Formulation Half a Decade On, David Tan and Yihan GOH Journal Article


The Right to Appeal Against a Decision Made on an Interlocutory Application: The Immediate Aftermath of the 2010 Amendments, Eunice CHUA and Siyuan CHEN Journal Article


The use of experts in legal proceedings in Singapore involving intellectual property rights, David LLEWELYN Journal Article

The privatisation of European law and the constitutionalisation of Private Law : Two sides of the same coin, Gary LOW and Elise MUIR Journal Article


Hougang By-election Case: What Court Decision on By-election Reveals, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE News Article


A psychology of choice of laws, Gary LOW Journal Article


A psychology of choice of laws, Gary LOW Journal Article


At the threshold of a new Singapore, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Bo Xilai’s true crime, Henry S. GAO Blog Post


Engineering peace: Achieving the promise of mediation in the world’s most difficult conflicts, Nadja ALEXANDER Blog Post


Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights, William R. CORNISH, David LLEWELYN, and Tanya APLIN

The privatisation of European law and the constitutionalisation of Private Law : Two sides of the same coin, Gary LOW and Elise MUIR Journal Article

Terms Implied in Fact Clarified in Singapore, Yihan GOH Journal Article

Contractual Remoteness in England and Singapore Compared: Orthodoxy Preferable, Yihan GOH Journal Article


The Court’s Supervisory Power over the Exercise of Trustee’s Discretion: A Contribution from Singapore, Hang Wu TANG Journal Article


Ch 13, Misrepresentation, Kee Yang LOW Book Chapter


Ch 17, Frustration, Kee Yang LOW Book Chapter


Contract Law, Chee Ho THAM, Pey Woan LEE, and Yihan GOH Book Chapter


Courts United? On European Judicial Networks, Maartje DE VISSER and Monica CLAES Book Chapter


Emphasise values in the public service, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Following English footsteps? An empirical study of Singapore's reported insurance judgments and disputes between 1965 and 2012, Christopher C. H. CHEN Working Paper


Independent Directors in Singapore, Christopher C. H. CHEN Book Chapter


Juridisch Kader [Legal Framework], Anne Pieter Van der Mei and Maartje DE VISSER Book Chapter


Moulding the nascent corporate social responsibility agenda in Singapore: Of pragmatism, soft regulation, and the economic imperative, Eugene K. B. TAN Journal Article

Stay of proceedings on dishonoured cheques, Darius CHAN Journal Article

The New Contractual Interpretation in Singapore: From Zurich Insurance to Sembcorp Marine, Yihan GOH Journal Article

Mediation and law (Mediation und Recht), Nadja ALEXANDER and Juliane ADE Textbook

Recent Developments in Singapore Contract Law in 2013, Yihan GOH Report


India International ADR association off to an exciting start, Nadja ALEXANDER Blog Post


Let us not centralise town council services, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial

Report of the Law Reform Committee on the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005, Tiong Min YEO Report


We Built This City: Public Participation in Land Use Decisions in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE

SIAC releases new arbitration rules, Lucy REED, Mark MANGAN, and Darius CHAN Patent

Amicus Opinion (Republic of the Philippines v Maler Foundation), Tiong Min YEO Report


Defining an Interlocutory Application: OpenNet Pte Ltd v IDA [2013] SGCA 24, Eunice CHUA Blog Post


Jurisdiction, Power, Inherent Jurisdiction, and Inherent Power, Siyuan CHEN


Misrepresentation, Fiduciary Duty and Negligence: Investor Scores Rare Win in Deutsche Bank v Chang, Kee Yang LOW Case note/Digest


Rubin and New Cap: Foreign Judgments and Insolvency, University of Oxford; Visiting Faculty, Singapore Management University Presentation

Singapore Private International Law: Overview and Recent Developments in Judicial Co-operation, Adeline Swee Ling CHONG Conference Paper


Time Again to Review Abortion Laws, Seow Hon Tan

Changing System not the Answer, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE News Article


A Cautionary Tale: Some Insights Regarding Judicial Activism from the National Experience, Maartje DE VISSER Book Chapter


A Reconsideration of the Shareholder's Remedy for Oppression in Singapore, Pearlie KOH Journal Article

Developments in Singapore Contract Law in 2012, Yihan GOH Report


Faith, freedom, and US foreign policy: Avoiding the proverbial clash of civilizations in East and Southeast Asia, Eugene K. B. TAN Journal Article


How is med-arb regulated in Hong Kong?, Nadja ALEXANDER Blog Post


Interim relief in aid of arbitration against a sovereign, Darius CHAN Transcript


Is there Confusion in the Law of Trade Marks in Singapore? Staywell Hospitality Group Pty Ltd v Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc [2013] 1 SLR 489, David LLEWELYN Journal Article


Presidential Pardon in Singapore: A Comment on Yong Vui Kong v AG, Shubhankar DAM Journal Article


Prosecutorial Discretion and the Legal Limits in Singapore, Gary Kok Yew CHAN Journal Article


Reassessing APEC's Role as a Trans-Regional Economic Architecture: Legal and Policy Dimensions, Pasha L. HSIEH Journal Article


The 2012 Amendments to Singapore's Evidence Act: More Questions than Answers as Regards Expert Opionion Evidence?, Siyuan CHEN Journal Article


The Case for Departing from the Exclusionary Rule against Prior Negotiations in the Interpretation of Contracts in Singapore, Yihan GOH Journal Article


The Death Penalty and the Desirability of Judicial Discretion, S. Chandra MOHAN and Priscilla Chia Wen Qi

In hoeverre is EU beleidsvorming in privaatrecht evidence-based? Een casestudy van het voorstel voor een gemeenschappelijk Europees kooprecht (Dutch), Gary LOW Book Chapter

In hoeverre is EU beleidsvorming in privaatrecht evidence-based? Een casestudy van het voorstel voor een gemeenschappelijk Europees kooprecht (Dutch), Gary LOW Book Chapter


For WP, the challenge of great expectations, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


The creation of a hybrid arbitration from a pathological arbitration clause, Darius CHAN Transcript


Why it’s a high-speed game changer, Tan K. B. EUGENE Editorial


Harmonisation and diversity in the private international law of mediation: The rhythms of regulatory reform, Nadja ALEXANDER Book Chapter


This Land Was Made for You and Me: Public Participation in Land Use Decisions in Singapore, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE Presentation

New Distinctions in Terms Implied in Fact, Yihan GOH Conference Paper

Hong Kong annotated statutes: Mediation ordinance (cap 620), Nadja ALEXANDER Book


Admitting Previously Undiscovered Evidence in Subsequent Proceedings as Permissible Hearsay Evidence, Siyuan CHEN


Agency, Pearlie M. C. KOH Book Chapter


Animal Protection Laws of Singapore and Malaysia, Alvin W. L. SEE Journal Article


An Introduction to the Law of Unjust Enrichment, Alvin W. L. SEE Journal Article


An overview of Singapore legal history and development, Eugene K. B. TAN Book Chapter


A Presence of the Past: The Legal Protection of Singapore’s Archaeological Heritage, Jack Tsen-Ta LEE Journal Article


A Rare Interpretation of s 33 of the Evidence Act, Siyuan CHEN and Zhaoxiang Daniel Liu


Book Review: Remedies for Breach of Contract by Solene Rowan, Howard HUNTER Book Review


Building kinaesthetic intelligence: Dance in conflict-resolution education, Nadja ALEXANDER and Michelle LeBaron Book Chapter


Business, society and the law, Gary Kok Yew CHAN and Eugene K. B. TAN Book Chapter


Business, Society and the Law, Kok Yew Gary CHAN and Kheng Boon, Eugene TAN Book Chapter


Causation, remoteness, scope of duty and the Rubenstein decision, Kee Yang LOW Journal Article


Certainty at last?: A "new" framework for electronic contracting in Singapore, Eliza MIK Journal Article


Chapter 10 Terms of the Contract, Austin PULLE and Wee Ling LOO Book Chapter


Chapter 8 Consideration and Intention to Create Legal Relations, Wee Ling LOO Book Chapter


Chapter 8 Consideration and Intention to Create Legal Relations, Wee Ling LOO Book Chapter


Chapter 9 Capacity and Privity of Contract, Wee Ling LOO Book Chapter


Chapter 9 Capacity and Privity of Contract, Wee Ling LOO Book Chapter


China: An untested theoretical possibility?, Henry S. GAO Book Chapter


Commercial Law, Michael Philip FURMSTON, Jason CHUAH, and Chris Willett Book


Comparative Contract Law (Chapter 19), Howard HUNTER Book Chapter


Competition Law (Chapter 25), Howard HUNTER Book Chapter

Constitutional Standing in Singapore: A Comment on Tan Eng Fong v Attorney General, Shubhankar DAM Journal Article


Contemporary Challenges in Regulating Global Crises, Mark FINDLAY Book


Corporate social responsibility as corporate soft law: Mainstreaming ethical and responsible conduct in corporate governance, Eugene K. B. TAN Journal Article


Corporate strategies, first sale rules, and copyright misuse: Waiting for answers from Kirstsaeng v. Wiley and Omega v. Costco (II), Irene CALBOLI Journal Article


Criminal liability for vessel-source pollution in China: Law and practice, Nengye LIU Journal Article

Criminal Wrongs and Constitutional Rights: A View from India, Shubhankar DAM Journal Article


Current legal developments China: Prevention of invasive species from ballast water in China, Nengye LIU Journal Article

Dealing with Unforeseen Circumstances: Contractual Construction and Equitable Adjustment, Man YIP and Yihan GOH Case


Developments in ADR, Tania SOURDIN and Nadja ALEXANDER Report


Does Free Trade Matter for Poverty Reduction? The Case of ASEAN, Pasha L. HSIEH Book Chapter


Educating for the Future: Teaching Evidence in the Technological Age, Denise H. WONG Journal Article