Study of the minimum spanning hyper-tree routing algorithm in wireless sensor networks

Yugeng SUN
Zhaoxia WANG, Singapore Management University
Yingqiang DING


Designing energy-efficient routing protocols to effectively increase the networks' lifetime and provide the robust network service is one of the important problems in the research of wireless sensor networks. Using the hyper-graph theory, the paper represents large-scale wireless sensor networks into a hyper-graph model, which can effectively decrease the control messages in routing process. Based on this mathematic model, the paper presents the minimum spanning hyper-tree routing algorithm in synchronous wireless sensor networks (MSHT-SN), which builds a minimum energy consumption tree for data collection from multi-nodes to Sink node. The validity of the algorithm is proved by the theatrical analysis. Finally, the simulation is proposed to prove the MSHT-SN algorithm is right and effective. It can increase the transmitting success rate and effectively save the scarce energy.