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Blog Post



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In this posting I want to reflect on how, as a mediator, I’ve learnt much from the related but independent conflict management process, called conflict coaching. Before I get ahead of myself, however, let me start by offering an explanation of conflict coaching. Conflict coaching is a service provided by a conflict specialist to a person who is, or may in the future be, involved in conflict. According to the REAL Conflict Coaching model, coaches assist clients to develop the 5 Cs: CLARITY: Gain clarity about the conflict situation; COMPREHENSION: Understand their own, and the other person’s, needs and goals; CHOICES: Identify and evaluate their choices for moving forward; CONFIDENCE: Develop confidence about managing conflict and achieving their goals. COMPETENCE: Develop conflict management skills so that they can constructively engage in the conflict.


Conflict of Laws | Legal Profession

Research Areas

Dispute Resolution
