"The Law of Torts in Singapore" by Gary Kok Yew CHAN and Pey Woan LEE

The Law of Torts in Singapore

Gary Kok Yew CHAN, Singapore Management University
Pey Woan LEE, Singapore Management University


Tort law has continued to develop apace in the intervening period since the first edition of the book was published in 2011: new torts have emerged, existing torts re-formulated, and important clarifications made on the scope of specific torts and doctrines. These developments are captured in this second edition, salient examples of which include See Toh Siew Kee v Ho Ah Lam Ferrocement (Pte) Ltd (occupiers’ liability); Anwar Patrick Adrian v Ng Chong & Hue LLC and AEL v Cheo Yeoh & Associates LLC (solicitor’s duty of care); EFT Holding, Inc v Marinteknik Shipbuilders (S) Pte Ltd (unlawful means conspiracy); and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ), Singapore Branch v Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) Pte Ltd (vicarious liability). The scope and impact of new statutory torts introduced pursuant to the Protection from Harassment Act and Community Disputes Resolution Act 2015 are also examined. As with the previous edition, a comparative view is offered by considering, where relevant, new developments in other leading Commonwealth jurisdictions.