How does Childbirth Alter Intra-Household Resource Allocation? Podcasts@SMU

Tomoki FUJII, Singapore Management University


Childbirth is one of the most important life events for many couples. The newborn brings joy, but also new responsibilities. The couple, as parents, has to face additional expenses related to the baby, such as diapers and toys. As the child grows up, the couple will also face other costs, such as education and medical expenses.

How does the couple cope with the additional expenses for the children? Does the mother, or father, or both reduce their expenditure on goods? The answers to these questions are key to understanding who shoulders the burden of responsibilities associated with the newborn.

In one of the first attempts to answer these questions, Associate Professor Tomoki Fujii from the SMU School of Economics, together with co-author Ryuichiro Ishikawa, conducted a study using data and evidence from Japan.

In this podcast, Professor Fujii shares the key findings of the research, and its relevance to Singapore.