"Causes and Consequences of Corporate Assets Exchange by China’s Listed" by Jiwei WANG and Hongqi Yuan

Causes and Consequences of Corporate Assets Exchange by China’s Listed Companies

Publication Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date



China’s listed companies often exchange corporate assets with their unlisted affiliates such as parent companies, which is rarely observed in their American counterparts. We find that listed companies which are incompletely restructured from former state-owned enterprises tend to exchange more profitable assets for less profitable assets (i.e., tunneling). However, when there is a need to avoid reporting losses and to raise additional capital, listed companies tend to exchange less profitable assets for more profitable assets (i.e., propping). We also find that the market reacts indifferently to assets exchange announcement. Finally, we find that assets exchange with tunneling (propping) incentive is associated with detrimental (improved) post-exchange stock performance and financial performance. In summary, this study contributes to the corporate assets literature by providing two new incentives (tunneling and propping).


Assets exchange, Tunneling, Propping, China


Accounting | Asian Studies | Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Corporate Finance

Research Areas

Corporate Governance, Auditing and Risk Management


European Financial Management Symposium: Asian Financial Management

City or Country

Beijing China

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