"Client, Industry and Country Factors Affecting Choice of Big N Industr" by Michael Ettredge, Soo Young KWON et al.

Client, Industry and Country Factors Affecting Choice of Big N Industry Expert Auditors

Publication Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date



This study investigates client choice of industry specialist auditors from among the Big N (Big 4 or 5) in an international (non-U.S.) setting. We investigate client-specific, industry-level and country-level factors hypothesized to enhance or decrease Big N clients' demand for industry expertise. Using data for 29 countries and 14 broad industries from 1993-2005, we find that international client choice of industry specialist Big N auditors is positively associated with client size, client growth opportunities, and client capital intensity. The choice of industry specialists from among the Big N is more prevalent in countries where levels of investor protection, quality of financial reporting environment, and national economic development are higher. Clients belonging to regulated industries tend to select industry specialists.


Global audit market, industry specialization, audit market shares, audit quality, international auditing, Big N auditors


Accounting | Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics

Research Areas

Corporate Governance, Auditing and Risk Management


4th Asian Corporate Governance Conference

City or Country

