Oral History Collection

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Date of Interview



Patricia Meyer


Singapore Management University, SMU, history, university founding, beginnings, Singapore higher education, Business Development and External Relations, Executive Education, Professional Education, VUCA, Economic Development Board, FIREfly Program, International Trading Institute


The interview covered: first involvement with SMU, risks of joining a new university, roles and responsibilities, financial markets and institutions course, executive and professional education, collaboration, Wharton School, business cases, International Trading Institute, commodities trading, Masters in Wealth Management, Office of Business Development and External Relations.

Biography: Vice President for Business Development and External Relations, SMU, 2000–present

Annie Koh is Vice President for Business Development and External Relations at the Singapore Management University (SMU). An Associate Professor of Finance, Annie also holds the position Academic Director of The Financial Training Institute (FTI), Center for Professional Studies (CPS), International Trading Institute (ITI) and Business Families Institute (BFI) at SMU. Her previous portfolio includes positions as Associate Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business and Dean, Office of Executive & Professional Education. She received her PhD in International Finance from New York University (Stern School of Business) where she was a Fulbright scholar.

Annie is a frequently sought after conference speaker at the World Economic Forum, panel moderator and expert commentator. She also sits on several advisory boards, governing councils and steering committees in SMU as well as the financial services and government sectors. She chairs the Asian Bond Fund 2 Supervisory Committee of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Currently, she is on the Advisory Boards of a number of family businesses and on the investment committee of i-Globe (a private equity firm) as well as a member of the Research and Publications Committee of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Annie is a member of the board for IPMI International Business School (Jakarta) and also recently appointed to the Board of Directors of k1 Ventures Limited which is listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange and which is an investment holding company of the Keppel Group. Annie is a recipient of the Public Administration Medal (Bronze), a prestigious National Day Award for 2010.

Annie’s research interests are in Family Office and Family Business Research, Investor Behaviour, Alternative Investments, and Enterprise Risk Management. Her paper, An Analysis of Extreme Price Shocks and Illiquidity Among Systematic Trend Followers (2010), co-written with Bernard Lee and Cheng Shih-Fen was published in the Review of Futures Markets and the Social Science Research Network. Other academic articles of hers have been published in The Review of Future Markets, SIMEX Papers and Pulses. Annie is also author for International Enterprise Singapore’s book on Financing Internationalisation – Growth Strategies for Successful Companies (2004) which has been translated into Chinese.


Asian Studies | Higher Education | Higher Education Administration

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This is an abridged version of the original interview. Please contact the Library at library@smu.edu.sg for access to the full version of the transcript and/or audio recording.

Streaming Inteview
