ANDEA: anomaly and novelty detection, explanation, and accommodation

Guansong PANG, Singapore Management University
Jundong LI
Longbin CAO


The detection of, explanation of, and accommodation to anomalies and novelties are active research areas in multiple communities, including data mining, machine learning, and computer vision. They are applied in various guises including anomaly detection, out-of-distribution example detection, adversarial example recognition and detection, curiosity-driven reinforcement learning, and open-set recognition and adaptation, all of which are of great interest to the SIGKDD community. The techniques developed have been applied in a wide range of domains including fraud detection and anti-money laundering in fintech, early disease detection, intrusion detection in large-scale computer networks and data centers, defending AI systems from adversarial attacks, and in improving the practicality of agents through overcoming the closed-world assumption.This workshop is focused on Anomaly and Novelty Detection, Explanation, and Accommodation (ANDEA). It will gather researchers and practitioners from data mining, machine learning, and computer vision communities and diverse knowledge background to promote the development of fundamental theories, effective algorithms, and novel applications of anomaly and novelty detection, characterization, and adaptation. All materials of keynote talks and accepted papers of the workshop are made available at