Publication Type

Conference Proceeding Article



Publication Date



To enhance the expression ability of distributional word representation learning model, many researchers tend to induce word senses through clustering, and learn multiple embedding vectors for each word, namely multi-prototype word embedding model. However, most related work ignores the relatedness among word senses which actually plays an important role. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to capture word sense relatedness in multi-prototype word embedding model. Particularly, we differentiate the original sense and extended senses of a word by introducing their global occurrence information and model their relatedness through the local textual context information. Based on the idea of fuzzy clustering, we introduce a random process to integrate these two types of senses and design two non-parametric methods for word sense induction. To make our model more scalable and efficient, we use an online joint learning framework extended from the Skip-gram model. The experimental results demonstrate that our model outperforms both conventional single-prototype embedding models and other multi-prototype embedding models, and achieves more stable performance when trained on smaller data.


Databases and Information Systems | Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces

Research Areas

Data Science and Engineering


Proceedings of the The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017 November 27 - December 1

First Page


Last Page



Association for Computational Linguistics

City or Country

Taipei, Taiwan
