The Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) is a platform for thought leadership in international dispute resolution theory, practice and policy. A research centre at the Singapore Management University School of Law, SIDRA leads the way through projects, publications and events that promote dynamic and inclusive conversations on how to constructively engage with and resolve differences and disputes at global, regional and national levels. In particular, SIDRA differentiates itself through its focus on applied research that has practical impact on industry.


Submissions from 2024


Belt and Road Initiative: Legal mechanism to recover stolen assets, Veltrice TAN


The Belt and Road Initiative: Conflict of laws and dispute resolution, Veltrice TAN

Submissions from 2023


Impartiality and the construction of trust in investor-state dispute settlement, Stavros Brekoulakis and Anna Howard

Submissions from 2021


Digital Readiness Index for arbitration institutions: Challenges and implications for dispute resolution under the Belt and Road Initiative, Allison GOH Journal Article

Submissions from 2020


SIDRA international dispute resolution survey: 2020 final report, Nadja ALEXANDER, Vakhtangi GIORGADZE, and Allison GOH Report


What users say about international mediators and mediation institutions: Part 2, Nadja ALEXANDER and Allison GOH Blog Post


What users say about technology in mediation: 2020 SIDRA survey, Part 3, Nadja ALEXANDER and Allison Goh Blog Post


Why and how users make choices in international dispute resolution: 2020 SIDRA Survey, Nadja Alexander and Allison Goh Blog Post

Submissions from 2019


International dispute resolution survey: Currents of change: 2019 preliminary report (SIDRA), Nadja ALEXANDER, Janet Carolyn CHECKLEY, Shou Yu CHONG, Joel NG, and Daoyuan ZHU Report