Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management University - Singapore Open Research Conference 2024: Open Research for Robustifying Data-Centric Systems

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Lightning talk “Open Research for Robustifying Data-Centric Systems” by Winner of the Singapore Open Research Awards 2024, Assistant Professor Manuel RIGGER from National University of Singapore. Abstract: The NUS TEST lab has actively promoted and conducted open research in programming languages and software engineering. We provide publicly available artifacts for all our research projects, chair or participate in artifact-evaluation processes, and actively engage with companies and researchers based on our open-source tools. One focus area is increasing the reliability of data-centric systems. We have developed impactful tools such as SQLancer, in which we have realised multiple novel approaches, which allowed us to find and report close to 1,000 unique bugs in important database systems, allowing developers to fix them. SQLancer is highly popular on GitHub and is actively being used by companies and built upon by us and other researchers.


Document Type

Lightning talk

Publication Date



Nov 12th, 3:20 PM Nov 12th, 3:30 PM

Open Research for Robustifying Data-Centric Systems

Lightning talk “Open Research for Robustifying Data-Centric Systems” by Winner of the Singapore Open Research Awards 2024, Assistant Professor Manuel RIGGER from National University of Singapore. Abstract: The NUS TEST lab has actively promoted and conducted open research in programming languages and software engineering. We provide publicly available artifacts for all our research projects, chair or participate in artifact-evaluation processes, and actively engage with companies and researchers based on our open-source tools. One focus area is increasing the reliability of data-centric systems. We have developed impactful tools such as SQLancer, in which we have realised multiple novel approaches, which allowed us to find and report close to 1,000 unique bugs in important database systems, allowing developers to fix them. SQLancer is highly popular on GitHub and is actively being used by companies and built upon by us and other researchers.



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