"From 'pandemic' to 'endemic' and beyond: Key aspects of research on ol" by Nadya HAIFAN, Jane TAN et al.

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The past year has been one marked by transition – as a country we have moved from treating COVID-19 as a pandemic to living with it as an endemic disease. Research conducted by the Centre for Research on Successful Ageing (ROSA) has taken a similar trajectory, expanding the scope of investigations from COVID-19 topics to other areas that are important for the general well-being of older adults in Singapore. This report showcases ROSA’s research involving older Singaporeans and the partnerships that have been forged in the past year. These developments will be presented in two sections. The first outlines the organizational developments of the centre, including the new and existing partnerships that we have established and deepened respectively. The team has explored new avenues for ROSA to contribute to enabling successful ageing in Singapore, and we are excited to share our progress. The second section serves to highlight key research findings on a number of domains such as physical, economic, social and psychological well-being and the new modules that have been introduced in the last year. The work presented in this section is a summary of the research briefs or manuscripts in academic journals that have been published by the centre. We hope that this will provide an overview of the research done at ROSA and raise awareness of new topics that require more analysis. The team also included a section on COVID-19 related topics as we are just returning to ‘normalcy’ and the continued influence of the virus on our daily lives cannot be ignored. ROSA’s COVID-19 research has mirrored the areas that are important to the national discourse on supporting older adults during this transitionary period.


COVID-19, research, ageing, older adults, Singapore


Asian Studies | Gerontology | Medicine and Health | Public Health

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Singapore Management University, Centre for Research on Successful Ageing

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Singapore Management University

Additional URL

https://rosa.smu.edu.sg/sites/rosa.smu.edu.sg/files/NAK Reports/The Ngee Ann Kongsi 2022 Report_Compressed.pdf
