"Audio Records of Interviews with Social Workers, Government Officials," by Wai Keung Chung

Audio Records of Interviews with Social Workers, Government Officials, and Academia in China, Hong Kong and Singapore

Publication Type

Data Set




This collection contains 69 audio records of interviews with social workers, government officials, and academia from China, Hong Kong, and Singapore conducted between 2009 to 2012. The interviewees have different designations and are from different social service organizations, government departments, and universities/colleges. The themes of the interviews cover the status quo of social workers, how social services organizations operate, their relationships with the government, and their main functions. The audio interviews are predominantly in Mandarin and Cantonese, with a few in English. The size of the audio collection is 2.33GB.

For access to the audio interviews please contact Professor Chung Wai Keung for permission.


social workers, interviews, status, government relations, social services organizations


Social Work


CHUNG Wai Keung

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