How communication management strategy brings competitive advantage: Strategic management of ethical conduct, authenticity, and stakeholder relationships for organizational effectiveness

Soojin KIM, Singapore Management University
Jeong-Nam Kim, Purdue University


This study aims to identify a corporate communication management strategy for corporate competitive advantage. To better explain the impact of a corporate communication management strategy on organizational effectiveness, this study examines the role of organizational ethical conduct as a mediator between the bridging strategy, one corporate communication management strategy, and organizational effectiveness. This study selected multiple indicators of organizational effectiveness: relational improvement, the conflict avoidance effect, and perceived authentic organizational behavior. Based on a survey of 105 corporate communicators of in-house organizations in Korea, a positive correlation between bridging Strategy and Organisational ethical conduct was found, which leads to relational improvement and a conflict avoidance effect with strategic constituencies. Ethical conduct also makes organizations authentic, which in turn enhances corporate competitiveness.