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News Article

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The rapid change to digital and remote working in organizations around the world has been a great test of human spirit and resilience. Yet, over the weeks and months of meeting and engaging people through cameras and microphones, many have noted that “Things are not quite the same.” While we have replaced the formal physical meetings, the paper-intensive processes, and the auditorium town-hall meetings, many are missing the informal interactions, the social connections, the spontaneous discussions in the day-to-day digital work life. The traditional business handshake has all but disappeared from the planet and many are wondering if it will ever return! The article is about the importance of building social cohesion and casual relationship as firms plan the future of work with an eye toward digital connections and virtual work, sharing how the elements in Schein's Triangle Model on Organizational Culture can be addressed in the new digitally-enabled workplaces.


Remote working, work from home, organizational culture, digital workplace


Business and Corporate Communications | Human Resources Management | Technology and Innovation

Research Areas

Strategy and Organisation


People Matters


People Matters Media Pvt. Ltd.

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