Enduring image: Capturing defining moments in crises

Benjamin HO
A. PANG, Singapore Management University
Grace Xiao-Pei AUYONG
Liang-Tong LAU


In today’s media environment, crises are magnified as media events and are rich sites for theinception ofimages. Particular images, like a photograph or a sound bite are found to endureas representations of defining moments of crises. This study seeks to examine the concept ofan enduring image, how it is engendered and how it impacts crisis communication efforts.The study utilizes five case studies of crisis with an inherent enduring image. An enduringimage constitutes a prime representation of the accused in a given crisis. These images areloaded with symbolic potential and exhibit a sense of permanence in public consciousness.Understanding the implications of an enduring image can offer insights to organizationson how to better manage one’s public and media image during or after a crisis. The study isarguably the first in examining the significance and potency of enduring images in crises.