Publication Type

Conference Paper



Publication Date



Regional industrial development projects - development packages assembled, administered and promoted by consortia of sovereign national governments - are new players in the global competition for foreign investments. Singapore's flagship projects in China have received much attention. Our paper reports on Singapore's lesser-known projects in Indonesia and Vietnam. The strategic intent of these transborder industrialization initiatives is to set in place a configuration for the city-state to restructure its domestic industries, and yet retain important linkages with production centers in low-cost environments. The effectiveness of this stratagem is evaluated from the perspectives of the tenant firms, as well as from Singapore's broader regionalization initiative. Our study finds that this policy gambit remains stymied by non-economic, socio-political complexities in the host environments.


Asian Studies | International Business

Research Areas

Strategy and Organisation


SAM/IFSAM VIIth World Congress: Management in a World of Diversity and Change, Göteborg, Sweden, 5-7 July 2004

City or Country

Göteborg, Sweden
