"A new IRIS: Better integration of research outputs and tracking of res" by Pin Pin Yeo

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SMU moved from an in-house research publications solution to a commercial solution with integrated workflows for research management. The Library is the module lead for the Publications Module. The new Integrated Research Information System (IRIS) went live with the Publication Module as the first module in July 2015. The presentation covers the features of the new IRIS, the challenges of going live with the module, the benefits of the new IRIS. IRIS comes with new functionalities and integration with Scopus, Web of Science, and SherpaRomeo. This gave the Library opportunities to improve workflows, to review the system, to put in place custom reports that catered to needs of the schools, faculty, senior administrative staff and SMU. We were also able to incorporate citation reporting for publications from Scopus and Web of Science into the system. IRIS also offers the option to set up search profiles for Scopus and Web of Science where faculty get notified of their new publications and can easily add these publications into IRIS. Publications in IRIS are pushed to the SMU website, faculty CVs, dashboards for SMU management, and also pushed to SMU’s institutional repository called InK. The Library is being recognized for its expertise on bibliographic management, and we are involved in discussions and planning for the reports needed by administrators and management.


CRIS, research information systems, Converis, Singapore Management University, research outputs, research publications, research impact


Scholarly Communication


Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance Annual Meeting, 19-21 October 2015

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