"Game changing factors impacting the scholarly records" by Aaron Tay

Publication Type

Invited Academic Talk/Lecture

Publication Date



Invited talk for 18th Annual Library Leadership Institute - Hong Kong | 17 - 20 January 2022.

In this 2022 talk Aaron Tay, reflects and expands on the talk he gave at the OCLC APRC in 2018 where he proposes 3 main trends that will impact the long term future of academic libraries.

1. Increasing diversity of the Scholarly Record

2. Push towards "Open"

3. Increasing effectiveness of technology - e.g.. Machine learning.

All three trends work indepdendently as well as reinforce each other. In this updated talk he give examples of some of these trends from the use of language models e.g GPT3 to increasing interest in Open Access, Open Science, Open Data and more.


Open Science, Open Access, Open Data, Machine learning


Cataloging and Metadata | Collection Development and Management | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Communication

Embargo Period

