The objective of the Herbert Smith Freehills-SMU Arbitration Lecture Series is to promote collaborative forms of dispute resolution and access to justice and in so doing promote Singapore as the centre for dispute resolution in Asia, particularly in arbitration and mediation. | Yong Pung How School of Law | Singapore Management University
The Herbert Smith Freehills-SMU Asian Arbitration Lecture Series was established in 2010 and was made possible by a term fund contribution by Herbert Smith Freehills. The objective of the Lecture Series is to promote collaborative forms of dispute resolution and access to justice and in so doing promote Singapore as the centre for dispute resolution in Asia, particularly in arbitration and mediation. Each year, a distinguished international arbitrator will be invited to present this lecture, which in turn will be published in a leading regional arbitration journal.


Submissions from 2014


Investment Arbitration under the Spotlight - What next for Asia, Fali Nariman

Submissions from 2011


Corruption in Arbitration -- Law and Reality, Michael SC Hwang and Kevin Lim

Submissions from 2010


International Arbitration in a Global Economy: The Challenges of the Future, Bernard Hanotiau