2020 Global Media and Information Literacy Day - The Singapore Way | Library Conferences & Seminars | Singapore Management University


This Singapore webinar is part of the 8th annual Global Media & Information Literacy (MIL) Week hosted by the Republic of Korea, 24-31 October 2020.

The conference recording with presentations is available here.

The theme for Global MIL Week 2020 highlights how we can look to addressing disinformation and divides by recognizing our shared interest in improving everyone’s competencies to engage with the opportunities and risks in today’s landscape of communication, technology, and information. In this way, MIL – along with Global Citizenship Education - can aid progress towards the SDGs by equipping citizens with the knowledge, skills, values, and practices to be engaged as critical-thinking citizens in societies. These competencies can empower citizens for involvement in media development, access to information and knowledge for all, and freedom of expression, which all have implications on how the war against disinformation can be won.

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Global Media and Information Literacy Day - The Singapore Way