2017 #Call to Action: Fake News Forum | Library Conferences & Seminars | Singapore Management University


This page contains the presentations made by the panellists and a snapshot of the #Call to Action: Fake News, Misinformation and Post-Truth forum organised by the SMU Libraries on the 9th November 2017.

We have all been hearing about these topics via various media and communication platforms, but how do we move the agenda forward - From Talk to Action?

In this forum, brought together the voices of stakeholders from different backgrounds and their provoking questions around these issues. Participants represented the Library and Information Community and SMU Community. They were immediately involved in advocacy through group discussions that enlightened and empowered them to become a catalyst in their institution.

Check out the event photos on the Facebook page of SMU Libraries.

Target Audience: Library and Information Community and SMU Community

Browse the contents of 2017 #Call to Action: Fake News Forum:

2017 #Call to Action: Fake News Forum