"Research on rejuvenation strategies of traditional apparel brands" by Ziming YANG

Publication Type

PhD Dissertation



Publication Date



This paper discusses the brand rejuvenation of traditional apparel companies, focusing on whether brand rejuvenation affects brand preference and purchasing behavior, and how to effectively implement brand rejuvenation strategies. In theory, it constructs a brand rejuvenation measurement model and explores the impact of brand rejuvenation on brand equity, as well as the relationship between brand rejuvenation, brand preference and brand equity. In practice, this paper takes Cabbeen as an example to conduct a case study to analyze the implementation process, influencing factors and implementation effects of Cabbeen's brand rejuvenation strategy.

Qualitative and quantitative research methods, specifically the case study and sample survey methods, were utilized. Qualitative research has found that Cabbeen has adopted measures such as changing brand image, brand extension, and brand co-creation. The implementation process of its brand rejuvenation also goes through a process of "improvement - decline during the pandemic - further improvement". The implementation effect of brand rejuvenation also varies greatly in different regions, indicating that the process of brand rejuvenation is a long and complex one. In the process of formulating and implementing a brand rejuvenation strategy, enterprises need to carefully consider the external and internal influencing factors. They need to clarify their values and vision, carefully and accurately choose the implementation strategy, establish the image of a rejuvenation brand in the minds of consumers, thereby influencing consumer cognition, enhancing consumer brand preferences, and establishing a good brand-consumer relationship.

In the empirical research section, this study constructs a brand rejuvenation concept model. This study redefines the CRUSH brand rejuvenation measurement model, which is confirmed having a good reliability and validity. The brand rejuvenation model established herein not only solves the problem of confusion in the internal measurement dimensions of the CRUSH model (Berger and Behrer (2016)), but also sorts out the research of other scholars, making it more comprehensive and structurally reasonable. Second, an empirical test is conducted on the mechanism by which brand rejuvenation affects brand preferences and purchasing behavior. The empirical test results indicate that brand rejuvenation has a positive impact on both brand preference and purchasing behavior, and the mediating effect of brand preference is significant. In the five dimensions of brand rejuvenation, authenticity, identity, and happiness all have a positive promoting effect on brand preferences and purchasing behavior. The two factors of coolness and uniqueness present different levels of acceptance by consumers, and their influence on brand preferences and purchasing behavior varies. The research results also prove that brand rejuvenation is indeed an effective strategy to enhance brand equity.


apparel companies, brand rejuvenation, brand preference, purchasing behavior

Degree Awarded

Doctor of Business Admin


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Strategic Management Policy


BHATTACHARYA, Shantanu Hiralal

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