Publication Type

Master Thesis



Publication Date



This paper will explore the use of two new innovations for the issues facing autonomous vehicles (AV), those of quantum technologies and artificial wisdom. The issue of delayed at-scale commercialization and adoption of autonomous vehicles due to the extensive dynamic capability required to derive an optimal process solution for any complex, dynamic and adaptive autonomous vehicle ecosystem is shown to be resolved by the use of these innovations, will be shown to be more widely applicable for other issues for AV and for any scenario where automated decision making is required.

QC might open up the door for the application of the Wisdom Approach in the AV industry and technology in a broad manner while enabling the creation of an Ethics Chip by adopting the Wisdom approach. Artificial Wisdom embodies a dynamic capability which will be able to derive an optimal process solution for any complex, dynamic and adaptive system that involves constructs with inherent instability. It will enable AV car makers to create a car that universally fulfils the ethical frameworks adopted by populations around the world, even in the absence of agreement on a global moral code; and the issue of delayed at-scale commercialization and adoption of AVs.

Section 1 presents the background information of the paper. The context of the AV industry and its workings are presented in Section 2, while Section 3 presents details of Quantum Computing. Section 4 introduces the subject of Artificial Wisdom and the Wisdom Approach, the proposed use case and the concept of the Ethics Chip. Finally, a conclusion is presented in Section 5.


Autonomous Vehicles, AV, Driverless Cars, Insurance, Premiums, Liability, Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Wisdom, Wisdom Approach

Degree Awarded

Master of Philosophy in IS


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


MA, Dan

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Singapore Management University

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