Stranded: A spark of hope

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The ‘Stranded’ game is an experiential platform to learn lessons on team leadership in a situational context based on sudden changes of events. It is modelled primarily upon variables associated with contingency theories of leadership. The setting is a future dystopian world where resources are scarce and different cities are at war with each other as they compete for resources. The player (the student) has to assume the role of a leader of a team now stranded in a desert because their vehicle in the form of a van is damaged. If not repaired quickly, they may be raided by their enemies, thus delaying or diminishing the hope of escape.

The team comprises three males, Bastian, Daya, and Jiro, and one female, Jessa; all, including the leader, are strangers to each other. They all have different personality traits and respond differently to tasks and instruction. During the course of the game, the player (the student), has to discover the followers’ personalities, assess the availability and limitation of resources, prioritise and assign tasks appropriately so that the van is repaired on time for them to escape from the dangerous situation. The daily tasks involve repairing the van, growing food, building a shelter and scavenging for resources, namely, provisions for food and materials to repair. Meanwhile, the camp must also be guarded from the enemies who would attack and raid the camp’s food and materials.

The game progresses in number of days. During the nights the leader interacts with the followers to gauge the energy, motivation and temperament of the team. The leader rations the provisions and motivates the followers. At the start of each day, the leader has to choose from three different leadership styles and assign task to the followers. When the Van is restored to 100% driving condition they all can escape to safety.


Leadership, Teambuilding, Conflict Resolution


Leadership Studies

Research Areas

Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources

Data Source

Field Research

Temporal Coverage


Education Level

Executive Education; Postgraduate; Undergraduate


Singapore Management University

Case ID



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