17th AUNILO Meeting and Workshop, Virtual, 2022 5-7 July
Start Date
5-7-2022 5:30 PM
End Date
5-7-2022 5:35 PM
Rizal Library, Ateneo de Manila University (ADM) submitted this video for the AUNILO 2022 video competition. It was the winner of the competition for the creative approach to use an alumni to introduce the Rizal Library. Ms Gretchen Ho introduced the collections and spaces she used. She talked about the relevance of the collections to her, her memories of using the library spaces, and it was done in an engaging way.
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AUNILO 2022 Video Competition Winner: Rizal Library, Ateneo de Manila University
17th AUNILO Meeting and Workshop, Virtual, 2022 5-7 July
Rizal Library, Ateneo de Manila University (ADM) submitted this video for the AUNILO 2022 video competition. It was the winner of the competition for the creative approach to use an alumni to introduce the Rizal Library. Ms Gretchen Ho introduced the collections and spaces she used. She talked about the relevance of the collections to her, her memories of using the library spaces, and it was done in an engaging way.