Dynamical Evolutionary Psychology: Individual Decision Rules and Emergent Social Norms

Publication Type

Conference Paper

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A new theory integrating evolutionary and dynamical approaches is proposed. Following evolutionary models, psychological mechanisms are conceived as conditional decision rules designed to address fundamental problems confronted by human ancestors, with qualitatively different decision rules serving different problem domains and individual differences in decision rules as a function of adaptive and random variation. Following dynamical models, decision mechanisms within individuals are assumed to unfold in dynamic interplay with decision mechanisms of others in social networks. Decision mechanisms in different domains have different dynamic outcomes and lead to different sociospatial geometries. Three series of simulations examining trade-offs in cooperation and mating decisions illustratehow individual decision mechanisms and group dynamics mutually constrain one another, and offer insights about gene-culture interactions.


Social Psychology

Research Areas



Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, 26-28 January 2006: Dynamical Models of Personal and Interpersonal Experience Symposium

City or Country

Los Angeles, CA

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