Real Time Process Compliance Checking using Nomenclature Approach

Publication Type

Conference Paper

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Process compliance has experienced rapid development in the wake of several serial scandals in both financial institutions such as RBS and Société Générale as well as non-financial institution such as Enron and Olympus. These scandals resulted in legislation enacted specifically to address these issues and prompted the businesses to develop more systematic approaches to the design of business processes which adhere to the reality as well as satisfying the compliance requirements. There are several researches into the active use of logical search approaches in checking whether the process meets the requirements. In general, most of the research focuses on the extension of the logical pattern recognition. However, most of the compliance research focuses only on the examination of business process flow during the design phase and not operation. In this paper, the authors will like to propose the novel use of Nomenclature approach to evaluate business processes as they occur. We also illustrate using a real-world case study on how this new approach also facilitate the checking of compliance in real time.


Compliance, Process Analysis, Deontic Logic, Nomenclature, Business Process Extraction


Computer Sciences | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | Operations and Supply Chain Management


International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 4th (IEOM 2014)

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Bali, Indonesia

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