Kala Manjari: 50 years of Indian classical music and dance in Singapore

Publication Type

Edited Book

Publication Date



The development and spectacular growth of the Indian arts in Singapore over the last fifty years have mirrored the economic growth and development of the nation-state itself. This book takes readers through the fascinating history of Indian classical music and dance in Singapore. Memories of pioneering, established and rising artistes and arts administrators are woven into a vivid story of the evolution of these forms into their current vibrant state. The developmetn of North and South Indian genres of classical music, as well as of different styles of classical dance are described to give the reader a comprehensive hisotry of the major Indian performing art forms. The complementary roles of the temples, and of various enablers such as the Government and media are also described. Well-researched, with over a hundred personal interviews in Singapore and India, and lavishly illustrated with over 180 choice photographs, the book is a must-read for everyone who cares about the state of the Indian arts in Singapore.


Indian arts, Music, Dance, Singapore, Performing Arts History


Asian Studies | Business | South and Southeast Asian Languages and Societies | Theatre and Performance Studies

Research Areas





Sun Media Pte Ltd. for the Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society

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Copyright Owner and License

Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society

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