Investment Criteria of Singapore Venture Capitalists

Publication Type

Conference Paper

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Venture capital industry in Singapore is of recent origin. However, funds under management in Singapore have grown from S$ 45 million in 1983 to S$ 7300 million in 1995. These developments together with the recent announcement of government's vision of Singapore becoming a hub for venture capital in the region, provides an opportunity for an examination of the venture capital industry in Singapore. The venture capital industry originated in the western hemisphere, springing from the US, emerged as a response to the need of risk capital for high technology industries. Considering the nature of industrial developments in South East Asia, the authors anticipate that the investment criteria employed by VCFs in Singapore would differ in the light of the differences in culture and investment opportunities around Singapore. Although our study on sample of 31 venture capitalists from Singapore found more similarities than the differences in investment criteria when compared to US, Asia-Pacific...


Asian Studies | Strategic Management Policy

Research Areas



ICSB 42th World Conference, San Francisco, 21-24 June 1997

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San Francisco, CA, USA

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