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Journal Article

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Unconventional Thinking. More crucial now than ever before. According to Dr. Eric J. Romero, the fall of the great brands of the last millennium - Nokia, Kodak, Hewlett Packard and General Motors - are examples of how conventional thinking impedes innovation. Nowadays, it is unconventional leadership and thinking that spur competitive advantage. The importance of creativity has been emphasised in nearly all literature and journal articles published this decade, adds the author of “Compete Outside the Box: The Unconventional Way to Beat the Competition”. "The fact is, the lack of it has brought the corporate behemoths of yore to their knees, a situation that has irked and fascinated both business and academic circles."


Unconventional thinking, conventional thinking, creativity, business, competition, innovations


Business | International Business | Technology and Innovation

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Innovations in business, Strategic planning, Business models
