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“Pro bono legal services represent the highest form of social work that the legal profession can perform in service to the public. Everyone needs some form of legal assistance or advice at one time or another. It is not just free work, but free work for our poor ‘neighbours’ without expectation of any kind of material reward – it is the work of the Good Samaritan. It is free work, given from the heart,” said Mr Chan Sek Keong, former Chief Justice and current Senior Judge at the Singapore Supreme Court, at the official opening of the SMU Pro Bono Centre’s new premises on 6 October 2017. Mr Chan was speaking in his capacity as Advisor to the Centre, an appointment he recently accepted. As Advisor, he will be providing counsel and guidance on its activities and plans.

The launch ceremony also marked the beginning of a five-year partnership between SMU and the RHT Rajan Menon Foundation, which affirms both organisation’s commitment to nurture pro bono spirit among law students and within the legal fraternity. Under the agreement, the RHT Rajan Menon Foundation, a Singapore registered charity and grant-making philanthropic organisation, will support the Centre with a gift of $300,000 starting from the current Academic Year 2017-2018.


Higher Education | Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility | Legal Profession




