Glassdoor job description analytics – Analyzing data Science professional roles and skills

Swapna GOTTIPATI, Singapore Management University
Kyong Jin SHIM, Singapore Management University
Sarthak SAHOO, Singapore Management University


See With increasing data volume and adoption of technologies including machine learning and artificial intelligence across all industries, the demand for skilled Data Science professionals is continuing to increase globally. For educational institutions to teach the most up-to-date and industry-relevant skills and for businesses to hire employees with the right set of skills, it is important for them to stay tuned to the fast-changing dynamics of job landscape. In this research study, we present an NLP approach to the analysis of job listings from Glassdoor. Our solution mines insights on trending technical and soft skills in the Data Science job categories. Based on the insights, we provide recommendations to design overall data science curriculum learning outcomes (LOs). We also provide recommendations to the course designers on specific technical skills required for the topics of courses under the data science curriculum.