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Journal Article

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This project sought to investigate the accounting practitioners’ perceptions on the effectiveness of the delivery of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the Asia Pacific Region 1. The study aims to inform the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and its associated member bodies of the most appropriate range of delivery methods that enhance the quality of learning outcomes from participation in mandatory CPD. The Asia Pacific region was selected as it is experiencing rapid economic expansion and a growing demand for professional accounting services together with an expectation that those working in the financial services industry keep abreast of change and upgrade their skills. This region also provides the opportunity to address the effectiveness of CPD delivery in the more developed economies (e.g. Australia) and contrast and compare this with delivery practices in emerging markets (e.g. China and Malaysia). Additionally, this region has a high proportion of ACCA members – 112 000 in total, making it the largest member base outside of the United Kingdom.




American Accounting Association

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Accounting Commons
