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Conference Proceeding Article



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Training deep networks on large-scale datasets is computationally challenging. In this work, we explore the problem of “how to accelerate adaptive gradient algorithms in a general manner”, and aim to provide practical efficiency-boosting insights. To this end, we propose an effective and general Weight-decay-Integrated Nesterov acceleration (Win) to accelerate adaptive algorithms. Taking AdamW and Adam as examples, we minimize a dynamical loss per iteration which combines the vanilla training loss and a dynamic regularizer inspired by proximal point method (PPM) to improve the convexity of the problem. To introduce Nesterov-alike-acceleration into AdamW and Adam, we respectively use the first- and second-order Taylor approximations of vanilla loss to update the variable twice. In this way, we arrive at our Win acceleration for AdamW and Adam that uses a conservative step and a reckless step to update twice and then linearly combines these two updates for acceleration. Next, we extend Win acceleration to LAMB and SGD. Our transparent acceleration derivation could provide insights for other accelerated methods and their integration into adaptive algorithms. Besides, we prove the convergence of Win-accelerated adaptive algorithms and justify their convergence superiority over their non-accelerated counterparts by taking AdamW and Adam as examples. Experimental results testify to the faster convergence speed and superior performance of our Win-accelerated AdamW, Adam, LAMB and SGD over their non-accelerated counterparts on vision classification tasks and language modeling tasks with both CNN and Transformer backbones. We hope Win shall be a default acceleration option for popular optimizers in deep learning community to improve the training efficiency. Code will be released at


Network optimizers, Deep learning optimizer, Deep learning algorithm, Optimization acceleration in deep learning, Deep Learning and representational learning


OS and Networks | Theory and Algorithms

Research Areas

Data Science and Engineering; Intelligent Systems and Optimization

Areas of Excellence

Digital transformation


Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, Kigali, Rwanda, 2023 May 1-5

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