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Journal Article

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What can multinational companies do to ensure that international trade flourishes in years to come? Gerry Craggs, the Far East managing director of steel trading company Stemcor, says that companies like his need to focus on developing sustainable trading policies rather than immediate gain. "Sustainable trading is not driven by short term profit but by providing optimal medium and long-term supply chain solutions that benefit all participants," he told Perspectives@SMU on the sidelines of the 5th anniversary celebration of the university’s International Trade Institute (ITI). Craggs is also Chair of the International Trading Concentration Sub-Committee at the institute that consists of volunteers from ITI’s pool of industries who contribute towards the International Trading Concentration programme through their ideas, contacts and professional expertise.


multinational companies, international trade, sustainable trading, supply chain solutions


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | International Business | Operations and Supply Chain Management

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Copyright © Singapore Management University 2013

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.


Social responsibility of business; Export controls; Business ethics
